The genesis of ARMOUR HEAVY stems from inducting a ‘MARK’ that is ‘Made in India’ and reflects HIGH QUALITY AND HIGH FASHION oriented towards the nation’s fitness ecosystem. We aim to build the best-in-performance wear for fitness and sports enthusiasts. Our line of products represents a fusion between performance wear and lifestyle apparels that can replace the boring business casuals making these more appealing, comfortable and tech heavy best suited in and out of the boardroom, aka ATHLEISURE.
Fabric tech is a key focus area to enhance comfort and performance. We are focusing on breathability, smoothness, stretch, fit & finish, non-static character and environment friendliness aspects in our products.Fabric tech is a key focus area to enhance comfort and performance. We are focusing on breathability, smoothness, stretch, fit & finish, non-static character and environment friendliness aspects in our products.
ARMOUR HEAVY brandmark showcases the ‘AH Shield’ that is one of the best-looking insignias representing strength and perseverance to achieve one’s goals and Stopping at Nothing. Our tagline ‘STOP AT NOTHING’ is testament to the never say die attitude of an achiever. The AH logo represents the ‘FOUR COLOURS’ of the ‘NATIONAL FLAG’ representing lineage and patriotic fervour.
Our product line follows a classic design language. No nonsense solid colours, attractive and strong decorations that logically enhance the products appearance. The messaging in the products is inspired from historic dates and names that are sacrosanct to us. The ‘PATRIOT COLLECTION’ is our premium offering that you will love to adorn and feel proud in. Experience ARMOUR!

Dear Friends,
Being ex-military has made me look at our NATIONAL FLAG with a sense of romance!
The flag is our rallying point, it’s a symbol of sacrifice of our brave, a symbol of prosperity attained through the hard work of our citizens, a symbol of hope for the wanting, a symbol of the nation we are today and what we aspire to be. It’s a love affair to say the least, love that is unconditional and selfless.
I firmly believe in expressing love for ‘THE MOTHERLAND’ by respecting, honoring and reflecting the flag in our daily lives. I am sure you will love the apparels from 'ARMOUR HEAVY' that exhort our national colors and pay tribute to our heroes. Armour Heavy is a military term that is given to a formation of weapon systems that have a larger component of battle tanks, making this assaulting unit unstoppable and impenetrable. The brand Armour Heavy is reflective of the grit and courage shown by the brave citizens under adverse circumstances in their fields of work. The brand pays tribute to all our heroes whose courage was like impenetrable armour.
We promise to deliver the best quality that will hold good in all conditions and motivate you to be on the right path and committed to your goals.
AH launches this November!
Jai Hind!
Captain Rahul Rai
#FarRightIndian #ArmourHeavy #AmplifyNationhood